


Thank you for visiting my website is your information center for industry players at country and abroad who intend to obtain SNI certification, which in Indonesia is often referred to as SPPT - SNI.

Regulation of free trade where tariffs barriers are minimized or eliminated began to be replaced with non-tariff barriers or product quality standards, is the main reason for the application of SNI in Indonesia

The main objective is the application of SNI in Indonesia to protect consumers from low quality products due to the consequences of free trade. Standards must meet the aspect of security, safety, health and the environment. SNI is expected to grow a sense of responsibility for the producers of the industry in maintaining the quality of its products before consumption by consumers.

In this website you can find basic information about SNI, how to obtain it and who can help you. Thank you, may be useful for you.

Best Regards,

Yastaka Sabyoga
ISO 9001 and SNI Consultant
(+6281 75295377)