What's SNI Certification


Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) is the only standards that apply nationally in Indonesia. SNI formulated by the Technical Committee and determined by the Badan Standarisasi Nasional (BSN).

The National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (Badan Standardisasi Nasional - BSN), was established in 1997 under the Presidential Decree 13/1997 and enhanced by the Presidential Decree No 166/2000. BSN is a government institution, but not a department or a ministry, having the responsibility to develop and promote national standardization in Indonesia. The Agency took over the function and duty of the Standardization Council of Indonesia (Dewan Standardisasi Nasional - DSN)

The organization has the following prime tasks:
  1. To facilitate and support the development of a National System of Standardization under the framework provided in PP 102/2000
  2. To provide policies and guidelines for all processes of national standardization ensuring the adoption of international best practices
  3. To facilitate the development of a conformity assessment system
  4. To promote and facilitate the participation of stakeholders in standards development and conformity assessment.
  5. To provide standardization information and training services, and promote the application of SNI
  6. To represent Indonesia in various international organizations and fora on standard and conformity assessment. 

To get SNI Certification, the main requirement is that companies must have and implement a quality management system with ISO 9001:2008 or module BSN minimum standards guidelines - 1999. It is intended to ensure the resulting product is processed, prepared by standards and safety procedures including the selection of raw materials, auxiliary materials, the feasibility of infrastructure, product testing, storage in warehouses, shipping and also the competence of its human resources

With the presence of SNI, the more people are expected to clear and safe to consume the products on the market. Choosing products that were labeled SNI, means care of security, health, safety and the environment to themselves and the people around him.